Best Websites/Platforms To Learn Programming in 2022

Learn Programming for free as a beginner in 2022

What I found out not too long ago is that the best time to start any new thing is now, so if you want to join tech, or the programmers' space in 2022, then you should start working towards that now, this 2021. You might think the year is already up but you be surprised how invested you can get in two weeks of small practice.

This guide is for 2022 because I'm going to use the data available from January to December, the best ranking platforms will be listed.



This is a non-profit platform that has not slowed down in the provision of quality contents, when it comes to rolling out new courses and coding practice tests, FreeCodeCamp does not disappoint. The user interface of the website is user-friendly, easy to navigate and there's a very strong community. I put this first because many people online struggle to understand concepts but always have the complex concepts demystified by FreeCodeCamp. FreeCodeCamp offers courses in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Machine Learning using Python, Data Science using Python and more to come as promised in 2022. You can practice Coding Interview tests when you feel you are ready for the market.



W3schools offers both free and paid courses, this does not in anyway reduce the quality of the free courses for beginners the above image shows the array of content one can get free on the platform. This is similar to FreeCodeCamp because the website is quite interactive because you practice with questions for every topic you cover. As you begin your journey as a programmer, especially as a web developer whenever you run in to issues and you use the search engines to troubleshoot, you are likely to end up with the website as one of the top ranking results. W3schools is quite comprehensive, concepts are detached and quite easy to understand, so it is worth checking out.



This has to be the fiercest of names for a platform that claims to help programmers get better through practice, this is figurative of course. CodeWars is really a great website for hands on practice with quality coding questions, the range of languages to practice can not be understated. The website has programming languages that are trendy and the less heard of and tries to provide quality content across all. CodeWars is a platform that should be in your journey, you only get better with CodeWars practice.



When you search for websites with to learn programming on line you hardly get Youtube listed, but when you consider that Youtube indexes for almost all programming problems whether on Google, Bing or Duckduck Go. For free contents youtube is really important in your journey, it will make a lot of things easy. Most programming tutorial platforms have youtube accounts where they put up free contents, in fact Youtube should always be on your mind if you understand more through visual.



The structure of this website is wonderful, from beginner (Foundation) to being job ready. The courses are properly arrange and in sync with the standard. The Odin Project is on this list because you go from an absolute beginner to a Fullstack developer properly guided and when you are job ready you'd still be guided. This probably sounds too true but you can always confirm for yourself, the only con is that the platform is dedicated to web development.



This platform supersedes expectation, UI overwhelms new visitors in a good way. Code is mainly for kids as the non-profit was cast around kids, helping to introduce kids from different spheres to programming at a young age. It has interactive instructions, making the visual it's method of painting relevance. Code aka are known for their ability to connect with students from all levels, increasing the diverseness of the tech space.



MIT OpenCourseWare acts a channel between high quality programming education and the people who need good education but can't get it. This platform has been offering this service to humanity since 2001, it strived to level the playing field and help settle dreams.



Github is like an open database, or server, where programmers store or host their programs. There are loads of valuable contents that can be assessed openly including books, open source programs. With both the old and the new content one can decide to study and understand concepts and conventions.

These are the TOP VERIFIED WEBSITES FOR 2022, these websites were carefully selected and has been validated.
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